Licensed Clinical Psychologist
New York and California Locations
Certified EMDR Therapist
Over 40 years in Clinical Practice

EMDR (EYE MOVEMENT DESENSITIZATION REPROCESSING): EMDR is a research supported treatment. EMDR has undergone more research in the area of PTSD than any other treatment combined. Because of it's benefits, EMDR is recognized as an empirically supported method of treatment for PTSD by the American Psychiatric Association, the US Department Defense, the US Department of Veterans Administration, the International Society for Traumatic Stress and the World Health Organization (WHO).
During EMDR I will ask you to focus on certain aspects of the disturbing event while focusing on bidirectional movement of your eyes or other bilateral stimulation. This is similar to what happens during REM sleep when you dream. By paying active attention to your minds path you will experience that your healing mind will turn disturbing image into neutral memories and images

BIOFEEDBACK: Biofeedback allows you to heal and recover by learning how gain more control over your body's nervous system. I use precise instruments that measure breathing, muscle tension, temperature and heart rate. When you receive immediate and accurate feedback, in real time, you can better create a relaxation response that is under your control. Often for the first time!
"Going through Biofeedback training was an empowering experience. Being aware of my body's reaction to things and how to counteract strong physical reactions, enables me to make the needed adjustments in my life." Biofeedback Client

HRV TRAINING (HEART RATE VARIABILITY TRAINING): Recent research has found that HRV training can be a major healing source for Trauma, Anxiety and Panic. The connection between the heart and the brain has been greatly overlooked until recent years. We have learned that the rhythm of your heart plays a key role in helping you stay calm and to think more clearly during stressful times. If you think of a snowflake and that no two are exactly the same, this is also true for your heart beats. Some are longer and shorter while others may be stronger or weak. Your heart rhythm occurs when we bunch all of the heart beats together and measure them with a sensor that goes onto your finger. CHRONIC TRAUMA, ANXIETY AND PANIC ARE ASSOCIATED WITH HEART RYTHMS THAT CREATE MORE STRESS AND MORE STRESS HORMONES.
"A fast emerging, though not entirely new, approach is training anxiety and trauma victims how to better self-regulate their thoughts and emotions"

"MINDFUL AWARENESS" It's easy to lose ourselves in a barrage of rapidly flowing thought streams that flood our consciousness and create unhealthy meandering thoughts and experiences. Mindfulness is described as " THE INTENTIONAL PAYING ATTENTION TO YOUR EXPERIENCE...MOMENT BY MOMENT ". Experience in this context involves our physical sensations, thoughts, images, emotions. The cornerstone of Mindful Awareness is compassion and connection to yourself and others in real time. Mindful Awareness is used in most aspects our work together...Biofeedback...HRV Training...EMDR...CBT.
CBT is one of the most heavily researched psychotherapies to date with outcomes the are significantly better than other therapies for both depression and anxiety. It is based on the following model: SITUATIONS->THOUGHTS->FEELINGS->ACTIONS. The most important aspect of this model is that thoughts, perceptions, core beliefs (even if first developed in childhood) lead to feelings and difficult emotional states in the present. We have learned that some thought patterns lead to anger, other patterns lead to anxiety while others lead to depression. Identifying your unique automatic thought pattern is a cornerstone of this therapy.

Psychotherapy is also known as talking therapy. While all of the above are part of psychotherapy, during these sessions we will discuss your condition, moods, thoughts and feelings. We will talk about your life and ways to use the new strategies discussed. During this time we will take stock of the work we are doing and make sure you believe we are on the right track, If any change is needed we will work collaboratively on what those should be. I believe a strong therapeutic alliance between us is needed for to you to be successful. I believe that our talking sessions are just as important as the more structured sessions and whatever you bring into the session takes precedent.